About us

Shift Change Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit organization founded in 2017 in New Orleans, LA by two service industry veterans & survivors of sexual violence passionate about changing the culture in their industry from one where sexual violence is normalized to one that is safe & comfortable for all and protects one's dignity in the workplace. 

In spring 2020, as Shift Change was days away from rolling out a first-of-its-kind sexual violence prevention certification program for businesses and workers, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated an industry wide shut down. Faced with an industry in existential crisis, the decision was made to pause all sexual violence & intimate partner violence related programming and shift the mission statement to encompass overall service & hospitality industry advocacy work. Our core values of improved equity and better outcomes for all in the service & hospitality spheres make for a natural expansion in focus, though our organizational roots & deepest passions will always be in sexual violence & intimate partner violence work.

We are based out of New Orleans, with a national footprint in programming, fundraising, and spreading awareness. We provide training to businesses & individuals, fundraising support to other organizations, facilitate community building, and advocate in close collaboration on behalf of our industry with policymakers. Realizing the disparities that those in our industry face in being heard, let alone helped, we seek to provide a voice, an ally, and an advocate to those in our industry who are historically locked out of progress, support, and institutional empowerment. We cultivate community building, flattening of hierarchies, and an hospitality industry that is truly hospitable to all that choose to work in it.

Contact: info@shiftchange.org